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Lesotho in Taipei Taiwan

Ts'epang Sello on the left and Khereng Khereng on the right

Lesotho's flag is raised high once again on the international games. The Lesotho Universities and Colleges Association sent-off our own two athletes (runners) Ts'epang Sello 800m and Khereng Khereng 100m and 200m to compete in the World University Games that will be held at Taipei in Taiwan on August 19, to August 30, 2017.

The 100m and 200m runner Ketheng said on the Press Conference that was held at Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission that they are going to do all there is in their power, despite the challenges they may meet there to bring the medals home. The two runners left the country today and they are to come back on September 2, 2017. 

1 comment:

  1. re ntse re le tsehelitse ka matla bana ba bo rona,,,bring home those medals


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