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What is Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission

The Lesotho Sports & Recreation Commission (LSRC) was established by the Lesotho Sport & Recreation Act No.3 of 2002.It is the main government agency responsible for the development and coordination of sport and recreation in Lesotho. The LSRC has no direct involvement in the management of specific sports but works through National Sport Associations/Federations or NF’s that are directly responsible for the management of the different sporting codes.
The LSRC mission statement
Our mission is to inspire and facilitate development and growth of sport and recreation to a high level; to develop attractive and quality sport and recreation through sound and dynamic leadership; to ensure sustainable resource base and accessible facilities that meet international standards; and to institute programmes and initiatives that ensure effective and efficient coordination of all sporting and recreation activities nationwide.
 The Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission has 32 members, those are the sport associations, LSRC works with the governance of the associations to see that they have the constitution and show the associations  that they have to abide by the constitution. The Commission has 10 sub-committees which their job is to advise the commission and those are:
-Resource Mobilization Committee
-Audit and Risk Committee
-Finance and Administration Committee
-Constitution and Policy development Committee
-Communication and Advocacy Committee
-Capacity Building Committee
-HIV/AIDS Committee
-Team Lesotho Committee
-Women in sport Committee
-Coaching board

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