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Lesotho Lawn Tennis

Lesotho hosted the International Tennis Federation under 18 Junior Open on the 19th  to the 25th May 2017. The Countries that participated were Republic of South Africa, Brazil, Zimbabwe, India, Germany, Lesotho, United Kingdom, Serbia, Namibia and Mozambique.

On Male categories Lesotho was presented by Thaane Mokose, Teboho Morake, Lehlohonolo Motsamai, Mpalleng Sempeng.On the Females we had Manyama Maisa, Kekeletso Moseme, Karabelo Thite.
The Tournament consisted of the doubles and the singles of both males and females. The first prize of the males singles was awarded to the South African Marius Becker. The males doubles was taken by Aleksa Ciric he was paired with Tadija both from Serbia.
On the ladies category the single championship was also taken by the South African Linge Steenkamp while the Doubles were Adetayo Adetunji of Nigeria who was paired with Chelsea Dzenga from Zimbabwe.


  1. How do I join Lesotho tennis team? I recently bought myself a new racket and would really love to know where and when can I use it... what I mean is that I want to have a coach. and a playing field, ebe nka bapalla kae?

    1. Heart At Art Design, you can go to the National Courts, the grounds are always open, there are also coaches there that will guide you on everything you need to know


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