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The Lesotho Annual Sport Awards 2nd dition

In April 2017, the Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission (LSRC) embarked on the celebration of the Lesotho Annual Sports Awards (LASA) in a bid to recognize, embrace and reward all Basotho who are excelling in their respective sport disciplines. This followed the 2016 Inaugural Sport Legacy Awards which were tailored to honour those legends who had continuously contributed to the development of sports in the country since Lesotho began participating in sports. This year’s performance for the period of January to December 2017 was celebrated in the LASA 2nd Edition on the 17 March 2018
The event was sponsored Lesotho Times, Sunday Express, All for One, Bandit, Bokaota Driving School.
The winners for LASA 2nd EDITION

Junior Female Sportsperson - Malillo Phera-Chess

Junior Male Sportsperson- Teboho Lelimo- Chess
Sportsman- Jobo Khatoane- Athletics

Sportswoman- 'Neheng Khatala-Athletics

Newcomer- Khabo Suiching- Taekwondo

Administrator- Mokhosi Mohapi-Football

Volunteer- Pule Rantseli -Athletics

National Federation
- Lesotho Boxing Association

Team- Red Skins Volleyball
Coach- Mabuthile Lebopo- Athletics

Umpire- Chakatsa Lephole- Netball

Journalist- Thabelo Monamane- Photography-Lesotho Times

Sport Column- Lesotho Times

Sport Legacy- Mochini Matete, (Football)
Motlatsi Ncholu (Media)
and Rantsubise Matete (Media)
Sport Star - 'Neheng Khatala-Athletics 

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