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Queen ‘Masenate Mohato Seeiso: 42nd birthday celebrated through the Royal Road and Horse Races

Lineo Chaka took gold while the intrepid veteran Thato Sesheme took Silver and Refiloe Khechane setting for bronze medal
Plucky Bottom Division Flat Race Stallions approaches the finish line with New Spring of Mr Sefale from Butha- Buthe winning the race 

LRSC-A weekend of celebrations began for Queen Masenate Mohato Seeiso as she officially marked her 42nd birthday.
Before the festivities, a new photograph of the Queen to be used for events celebrating her birthday was released to commemorate their joint events of the royal road running and the Royal horse race
The Queen attended the Peka Royal Horse Race, where she was joined by His Majesty King Letsie III with the minister of Gender and Youth, Sport Recreation, LSRC commissioners, politicians past and present.
The annual Royal road race in the 5km, 10km and the Royal horse race took place on the 8th and  9th of September with an impressive display where over with 134 horses and more than 400 spectators and horse enthusiasts attended.
Speaking as one of the guests, the Minister of Sports Dr. Mahali Phamotse said one of the things she is proud to say is how much the Leribe people appreciated her coming over for the past 14 years to celebrate her birthday. And she said that it was one of the warmest welcomes she ever received.
After being congratulated and wished well in life, the Queen expressed her heartfelt gratitude citing how happy she was with the turn out she saw during the 5km race and elderly people taking part in the 10km race and even thanked for the warmth and welcoming hospitality she received at the school named after her name Masenate High School.
The Queen's actual birthday is on the 2nd of June. But public celebrations take place in September - a tradition over seven years ago.

'Public value'
The list of events shows the diverse interests the Royal Family represents, and includes schools, Trust funds, hospitals, social events, sports associations, and children's charities. The monarch's personal interests are also reflected, with the inclusion of horse racing. Most are urban while others are rural based and many take the prefix "royal" to mark their association with the monarch - the Royal Road Races, the Royal Horse Races and the Royal Trust Funds, for example.

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