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Lebenya Nkoka and Mamorallo Tjoka take Gold Medals : Lesotho High Altitude Summer Marathon 2017

21.1 KM race starting point

Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission with the support of Ministry of Gender, Youth, Sport and Recreation hosted the 15th event of the Lesotho High Altitude Summer Marathon (HASM) in  Mokhotlong on Saturday the 2nd December 2017. The HASM consisted of the three categories, 42.2 KM race that started at Mofolaneng, 21.1 KM race that started at Ha-Khatleli and the 5 KM race that took off at Thabang, the finish point was at the Mokhotlong Pitso Ground. The 42.2 KM race was open for athletes aged 20 and above, 21.1 KM race for 18 years of age and above and the 5 KM race for athletes of ages 17 and older. The weather was in favour of the athletes as the runners did not experience any heat or the sun rays during the races as the skies were covered with heavy rain clouds, that may have worked in their favour and helped improve their performances.

The 42.2 KM race males category was won by the Lebenya Nkoka who carried home 100 000 Maloti, and Mamorallo Tjoka on the females category who also went away with 100 000 Maloti. The 21.1 KM winners who won 20 000 Maloti each are Jobo Khatoane on males category and Neheng Khatala on females category. The 5 KM race winners won 5 000 Maloti on  both males and females categories.

Lebenya Nkoka
Jobo Khatoane 
The HASM 2016 winners were Teboho Sello on the 42.2 KM males’ category and Makampong Letsie on the females’ category, the 21. KM was won by Jobo Khatoane on the male’s category and Ntebaleng Letsela on the females’ category. Even though the number of registered athletes 2017  has declined as compared to that of 2016 the competing athletes from outside Lesotho seemed to be very impressed of the overall look of the HASM and the Lesotho Sport and Recreation Commission is anticipating on having more participating countries from across world.

The Prize list for 42.2KM, 21.1KM and 5KM
42.2KM Race
21.2KM Race
5KM Race
100 000
20 000
5 000
60 000
12 000
4 000
30 000
8 000
3 400
14 000
3 700
3 200
11 000
2 000
2 700
10 000
1 700
2 400
8 000
1 400
2 200
7 000
1 300
2 000
6 000
1 000
1 900
5 000
8 00
1 700

This year’s High Altitude Summer Marathon was supported  and made a success by Alliance, LEC, Letseng Diamonds, Suday Express&Lesotho Times, Brandit and Berltex&Printers

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